Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bellevue Cemetery Bike Ride

This has been a very wet January for us in Oregon so when I saw that this Saturday would be partly sunny with a high of 52°F, I got excited about taking a nice long bike ride.  I have had the urge to go see the "forgotten" Bellevue cemetery otherwise known as the United Brethren cemetery as seen on Google maps.  Saturday morning came but the temperature didn't want to rise above 38° and a heavy fog didn't seem to want to lift.  Sometime after noon, the sun broke out but still the temperature hovered at 38°.  Finally, at 2:30 I decided to go riding despite the lingering cold.  

Dressed in my warmest cycling clothes including my new ear covers and gloves, I set out for Bellevue cemetery.  I decided to take Peavine road which is a more scenic and much more hilly route to take, but I was feeling good.  I noticed quite a large number of cyclists out.  They must have been thinking the same thing I was.  The Yougberg Hill Vineyard marks the peak of the route I took.

It is just about 14 miles to the entrance of the cemetery from my front door.  Looking at the sign can you see why it took my 3 tries before I actually found this place?  It also helped to find the right road - darn you Google maps!!

Here is a view of the cemetery from the road.  It is the small bit of shrubbery to the left of the grove of trees.  It's a little nerve-racking to ride on that muddy road with my skinny little tires while my feet are locked to the pedals especially while trying to go up the hill.  Finally, I just got off the bike and walked it up.  Laurie thinks the grove of trees is creepy and worries that zombies are going to suddenly run out of it.

Here are a few miscellaneous pictures of the cemetery...

Finally, here is a little video I made of the ride.  The video highlight for me was when I was quietly eating a snack while sitting in the cemetery and suddenly a boat load of crows went crazy right over me.  I pulled out the camera and caught a bit of it.  Laurie says that was a very bad omen 8)

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